5-1 Concept & Requirements Definition
The Concept & Requirements Definition (CRD) Stage of the Acquisition Management System (AMS) process begins with:
Contacting ANG-C1 for guidance and determining whether it is appropriate to appoint a Preliminary FAA HF Coordinator (FAA HFC)
The Preliminary FAA HFC or the supporting HF participant then either completes the following activities or, for a larger projects, manages their completion by a vendor supporting CRD:
- Conduct or oversee HF activities:
- The Preliminary FAA HFC or supporting HF specialist also assists the Program Office in demonstrating compliance to the HF items in the In-Service Review (ISR) Checklist (FAA network user only)
Additional useful information is provided on the pages listed below.
- P. 5-5. HF Input to Preliminary Program Requirements Document
- P. 5-6. Preliminary FAA Integrated HF Program (FAA IHFP)
See crdguidelines.pdf (faa.gov) for additional details.
For relevant HF questions and associated documents to address during CRD, seeĀ HF AMS Lifecycle Checklist.
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