5-1 Concept & Requirements Definition
The Concept & Requirements Definition (CRD) Stage of the Acquisition Management System (AMS) process begins with:
- Contacting ANG-C1 for guidance and determining whether it is appropriate to appoint a Preliminary FAA HF Coordinator as appropriate
The Preliminary FAA HFC or the supporting HF participant then either completes the following activities or, for a larger projects, manages their completion by a vendor supporting CRD:
- P. 5-2: Conduct HF assessments to support refinement of operational shortfalls
- P. 5-3. Conduct HF assessments to support refinement of concepts
- P. 5-4 Conduct HF assessments to support development of solutions and requirements.
See crdguidelines.pdf (faa.gov) for additional details.
For relevant HF questions and associated documents to address during CRD, see HF AMS Lifecycle Checklist.