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List of Acronyms

AI    Artificial Intelligence
AMS     Acquisition Management System
ATC    Air Traffic Control
CHI    Computer Human Interaction
CRD    Contracts and Requirements Definition
FAA HFC    FAA Human Factors Coordinator        
Contractor HFC        Contractor Human Factors Coordinator 
HEDAD    Human engineering design approach document
HEDAD-M    Human engineering design approach document - Maintenance
HEDAD-O    Human engineering design approach document - Operator
HF    Human Factors
HFC     Human Factors Coordinator
HFCOI    Human Factors Critical Operations Issue
HFWG    Human Factors Working Group
HIS    Human Systems Integration
IAP    Investment Analysis Plan
IHFP     Integrated Human Factors Plan
ILS    Integrated Logistics Support
IPSD     Implementation Strategy and Planning Document
ISR    ISR Checklist    In Service Review Checklist
JRC    Joint Research Council
ONA    Operational Needs Assessment
PIR    Post Implementation Review
PPRD    Preliminary Program Requirements Document
PRD     Program Requirements Document
RASCI    matrix    Responsible, Accountable, Support, Consult, Inform matrix
SME    Subject Matter Expert
TFM    Traffic Flow Management