6-2 Investment Analysis
Creation of Human Factors Working Group (HFWG). The role of the HFWG is to assure that all HF issues and concerns are identified and successfully addressed during the course of solution development. The HFWG may include the FAA HFC, operator representation, Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) re representation,presentation, and representation providing expertise in safety, training and testing. It may also have representation by a contractor who may be supporting the activities of the Investment Analysis stage for larger projects.
More specifically, the responsibilities of thethe HFWG a arere to:
- Assist in integrating the HF effort with the system engineering effort
- Coordinate the development, review and execution of the HF effort
- Provide a forum for direct communications between members to identify and address HF requirements, objectives, concerns and issues
- Identify needed HF tasks and activities and review the results thereof
- Review contract deliverables for Human Factors implications
- Provide recommendations concerning human and solution performance
- Ensure unresolved issues are surfaced to appropriate decision makers and propose the action to be taken to resolve those issues
- Maintain an audit trail of Human Factors activities and decisions
- Coordinate with appropriate HF-related entities