5-4 Concept & Requirements Definition
HF AnalysesAssessments to UpdateSupport ShortfallDevelopment Analysis.of Solutions and Requirements.To provideThe theanalysis inputsof identifiedsolutions and requirements needs HF input regarding task allocations, along with completion of a function analysis focused on the previousperformance pageof regardingthe updatesoperator and on interactions of the operator with supporting automation to the shortfall analysis, the following analyses are needed:
DefiningDefinitionperformanceofmeasuresthe roles and responsibilities of key participants (e.g., controllers, traffic managers, maintenance technicians, pilots)- Determination of whether the proposed allocations present HF risks
Scenario Development. HF task and function analyses then support the development of robust scenarios to be used in concept development and demonstration. The task analyses can be used to drive the development of scenarios that help to ensure that a given task sequence is demonstrated from end-to-end in a scenario and that all necessary functionality is present for thereview systemand underanalysis. developmentSuch ina scenario-based approach is important as concepts demonstrated simply through disconnected or partial completion of disparate tasks that do not fully demonstrate the formrelevant ofoperational Measures of Effectiveness/Minimum Operational Performance standards (MOEs/MOPs). These measuresscenario are necessarynot likely to articulatereveal all of the human performance shortfall,risks createsufficiently a business case, create critical parametersearly in the acquisitionAMS programprocess. baseline,
These scenarios are developed by examining the potential uses of the future system and createthe testableroles people will play as operators and maintainers, including not only nominal scenarios but also scenarios highlighting workflows and operational and environmental conditions identified and documented in Critical Task Analysis Reports.
Verification and Validation (V&V). To minimize “to minimize technical, programmatic, and operational risk”, early HF evaluations are performed to support determination of concept feasibility and analysis of alternative solutions during SASP and CRD phases. During CRD, Consistent with AMS policy Section 4.7, HF involvement during V&V serves to ensure that performance requirements
Building upon contentslimitations in the transfer package from prior Research for Service Analysis, these findings can be then included in the analysis of alternatives, concept validations/demonstrations, and the developmentvalidation of the businessfollowing case.products:
- Shortfall Analysis Report
- Preliminary Program Requirements Document (pPRD)
- Solution Concept of Operations
- Enterprise architecture products
- Initial investment analysis plan
- Preliminary information systems security assessment (crdguidelines.pdf (faa.gov))