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5-3 Concept & Requirements Definition

Preliminary FAA IntegratedConduct HF ProgramAssessments (FAAto IHFP).Support OneRefinement of Concepts. 

As indicated in crdguidelines.pdf ( “The alternatives developed during the products of CRD isphase will be high-level concepts, and thus referred to as preliminary alternative descriptions.”

These alternatives will developed into a preliminarySolution FAAConOps IHFP. The recommended format and content is available at FAA IHFP. This document includes:

  • Purpose,“Describes scope,how users will employ the new capability and how it will achieve desired objectives offor the IHFPproposed service need”
  • HF“Defines organization,the role,roles and responsibilities of key participants (e.g., controllers, maintenance technicians, pilots”
  • HF“Explains strategy,operational approachissues that system engineers must understand when developing requirements”
  • Solution/program“Identifies descriptionprocedural issues that may lead to operational change”
  • Program“Incorporates backgroundand reflects key enterprise data and information needs”
  • “Establishes a basis for identifying alternative solutions and estimating their likely costs and benefits” (crdguidelines.pdf (

The FAAguidelines IHFPemphasize isthe importance of “human factors engineering to ensure performance requirements and objectives are consistent with human capabilities and limitations”. As an example, “HF implications can include the appropriateness of automation or procedures from a living document, incorporating changes and revisions as a result of the identification of evolving HF issues and risks associated with the operation and maintenance of the solution. Note that the preliminary IHFP should include identification of documentation that will support closure of the HF itemsperspective, in the Incontext Serviceof Reviewother systems and tasks. Such analysis can be performed well before establishing details such as computer human interface (ISR)CHI) Checklist.


Inlater addition to supportingin the HFAMS inputslifecycle” to(crdguidelines.pdf the IHFP itself, the Preliminary FAA HFC  also will ensure drafting of a 1-2 paragraph summary detailing how generic requirements are provided for good HF engineering practices and solution-specific requirements are derived from the shortfall analysis, SME interviews, task and function analysis, concept demonstrations, and additional HF analyses designed to mature specific human performance requirements.