5-4 Concept & Requirements Definition
UpdateSupport CRDRefinement Shortfallof Analysis.Operational Shortfalls. During the CRD phase, the FAA Preliminary FAA HFC ensures HF updates are provided to finalize the shortfall analysis (a qualitative assessment of any human performance gaps where they exist and quantification of the human performance shortfalls by calculating performance impacts and monetizing the shortfalls).
The HF inputs to update the CRD shortfall analysis include:
- Identification of Existing Human Performance Deficiencies. As an Air Traffic Control example, these could be errors in detecting/acquiring/identifying aircraft entering a controller’s sector, errors in tracking multiple, simultaneous radar targets, or excessive time required in the performance of a given task
- Identification of Human Performance Improvement Opportunities. Opportunities for improvements in human performance need to be determined. As an example, such opportunities to improve human performance can take the form of new technologies (such as DATACOM) that provide new or more robust information or involve changing the method of information delivery so that transmission and clarity is assured
- Articulation of Assumptions About the Future Environment that Contribute to a Performance Shortfall. Conditions that will lead to a future shortfall or permit a known shortfall to persist need to be specified to help justify the proposed acquisition as an improvement. This needs to consider the broader context in which new tools, workflows and procedures will be used.