4-1 Service Analysis and Strategic Planning
Service Analysis and Strategic Planning (SASP) is the first stage in the formal AMS process once a proposed acquisition investment has been approved for evaluation by the FAA Joint Resources Council.
In this stage the HF aspects of operational needs, shortfalls and concept changes are analyzed.
HF Involvement. Depending on the magnitude of the effort, HF guidance may be provided directly from staff within the FAA HF Division (ANG-C1) or the FAA Planning and Analysis Team (AJM-131). For larger projects, a Preliminary FAA HF Coordinator (HFC) may be appointed as part of the FAA Systems Engineering Management Team, providing HF input directly and, if a contractor has been hired, managing the external vendor completing HF analyses.
HF input to documentation during and subsequent to SASP provides essential HF information upon which to build good requirements, supporting the preparation of cost, benefit, and risk analyses and developing plans, specifications, and a statement of work. This includes consideration of how:
- Operational concept, system architecture, procedures and human-system interface design impact user performance (efficiency and safety)
- Human-systems considerations impact human resources or performance outside the boundary of the product being acquired