3-5 Research for Service Analysis
HF Integration When Proposing Large Acquisition Project. For larger projects, significant Research for Service Analysis needs to be conducted in order to prepare an Operational Needs Assessment (ONA) or to define needs and preliminary requirements for a project that is an enhancement of an existing program. Additional Research for Service Analysis may also be completed after a preliminary ONA has been approved to move forward by the ATO Directors Forum or in response to the submission of a transfer package submitted to AJM-S by an external organization such as NASA or MITRE.MITRE.
Preliminary Concept Exploration, Development and Evaluation. For larger projects that merit significant Research for Service Analysis, concept exploration, development and evaluation is necessary. HF involvement in this research includes:
- Specifying HF considerations relevant to a preliminary shortfall analysis
- Defining users and their associated operational needs and constraints
- Defining use cases, scenarios and critical tasks
- Identifying important elements of the broader system environment
- Generating and evaluating design alternatives
Inclusion of HF input during this initial stage is important because production pressures during Solution Implementation tend to limit the extent to which design alternatives can be adequately considered and evaluated. This initial stage prior to initiation of the formal AMS process provides an opportunity to more fully define user needs and shortfalls, as well as to consider the broader use environment and evaluate design alternatives.