3. Research for Service Analysis 3-1
Section 3 deals with the integration of Human Factors (HF) prior to approval to initiate the formal Acquisition Management System (AMS) process and covers the topics indicated below. You can page through Section 3 to review these topics.
- P. 3-2: Triggers for
DevelopingdevelopingProposedproposedAcquisitionacquisition - P.3-3: HF
GuidanceguidanceWhenwhenProposingproposingSmallsmallAcquisitionacquisitionProjectsprojects - P. 3-5: HF
IntegrationintegrationWhenwhenProposingproposingLargelargeAcquisitionacquisitionProjectsprojects- Preliminary
ConceptconceptExploration,exploration,Developmentdevelopment andEvaluationevaluation - HF
ManagementmanagementWithinwithin the FAA Systems Engineering Management Team- Planning the HF
Efforteffort - Specifying
HumanHFFactors Activitiesactivities - Monitoring and
Reviewingreviewing HFActivitiesactivities andDeliverablesdeliverables
- Planning the HF
- Specifying
Contentscontents of theTransfertransferPackagepackage
- Preliminary
- P. 3-14: Conclusion: Research for Service Analysis