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The primary goal of this site is to provide guidance and information to support FAA program and systems engineering management and human factors coordinators who have responsibilities for the integration of Human Factors (HF) within the acquisition process. Members of user teams, as well as program management and HF specialists working for vendors contracted to conduct Research for Service Analysis or contracted to perform the work required of stages within the AMS process, may find this information useful as well in order to understand the expectations of FAA acquisition management staff regarding the integration of HF in an acquisition project (see FAA Lifecycle Management Process Flowchart: Human Factors).
By reviewing sections of this site, FAA program and systems engineering management can gain insights for supporting project planning, staffing and budgeting in order to ensure effective management of HF activities within the acquisition process. They also can better understand the HF requirements that should be incorporated into the contracts for vendors performing the research and development associated with an acquisition.
The job of FAA Human Factors Coordinators (FAA HFCs) is to monitor contractor HF performance and approve HF deliverables, as well as to directly provide HF expertise and input, in order to assure effective integration of HF during the lifecycle of an acquisition. FAA HFCs can use this site to better understand their responsibilities and to access specific information (such as relevant FAA forms) in order to perform their jobs.