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Appendix C. Human Factors Data Item Description (from HF-ST-D004a)

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... Appendix C. Human Factors Data Item Des...

Human Factors Data Item Descriptions (from HF-ST-D004a)

Updated 2 weeks ago by Matt

Appendix B. Samples of HF Content

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... Appendix B. Samples of HF Content (1pg)

System Specification Document - Sample HF Content

Updated 2 weeks ago by Matt

4-1 Service Analysis and Strategic Planning

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 4. Service Analysis and Strategic Plann...

Service Analysis and Strategic Planning (SASP) is the first stage in the formal AMS process once ...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Matt

Appendix A. References & Resources

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... Appendix A. References & Resources (1 pg)

Acquisition Program Baseline (APB)  Acquisition Man...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Matt

3-12 Research for Service Analysis

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 3. Research for Service Analysis (12 pgs)

Research for Service Analysis: Conclusion Triggers. Research for Service Analysis is triggered b...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Matt

3-8 Research for Service Analysis

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 3. Research for Service Analysis (12 pgs)

Specifying Human Factors Activities. A large project should include a focus on workflow, usabilit...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Matt

8-2 In-Service Management

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 8. In-Service Management (4 pgs)

HF Post Implementation Assessments. There are a variety of complementary sources to support these...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Matt

5-6 Concept & Requirements Definition

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 5. Concepts & Requirements Definition (...

Preliminary FAA Integrated HF Program (FAA IHFP). One of the products of CRD produced by the prel...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Matt

7-1 Solution Implementation

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 7. Solution Implementation (7 pgs)

FAA HF Coordinator (FAA HFC) Responsibilities. In support of the implementation based on the Solu...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Matt

3-5 Research for Service Analysis

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 3. Research for Service Analysis (12 pgs)

Completing Requirements of In Service Review (ISR) Checklist. Another example of important HF iss...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Matt

3-6 Research for Service Analysis

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 3. Research for Service Analysis (12 pgs)

Sample Requirements in ISR Checklist. There are a number of requirements in the ISR Checklist (FA...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Matt

2-4 Why Integrate Human Factors?

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 2. Why Integrate Human Factors? (8 pgs)

Required Confirmation of HF in in Service Review (ISR) Checklist (FAA network user only). The FAA...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Matt

6-2 Investment Analysis

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 6. Investment Analysis (4 pgs)

Creation of Human Factors Working Group (HFWG). The role of the HFWG is to assure that all HF iss...

Updated 4 weeks ago by Matt

10. Contact Information

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 10. Contact Information

Support  for FAA Acquisitions  The NextGen Human Factors Division (ANG-C1) is available to availa...

Updated 1 month ago by Matt

9. List of Acronyms

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 9. List of Acronyms

AI    Artificial IntelligenceAMS     Acquisition Management SystemATC    Air Traffic ControlCHI  ...

Updated 1 month ago by Matt

7-7 Solution Implementation

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 7. Solution Implementation (7 pgs)

Observing HF Activities and Approving Contractor’s HF Deliverables. Step 11. Observing contrac...

Updated 1 month ago by Matt

7-6 Solution Implementation

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 7. Solution Implementation (7 pgs)

Approving Plans and Results of Contractor HF Empirical Evaluations. The FAA HF Coordinator (HFC) ...

Updated 1 month ago by Matt

6-4 Investment Analysis

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 6. Investment Analysis (4 pgs)

HF Investment Analysis (IA) Inputs for AMS Lifecycle Checklist. The IA tab of the HF AMS Lifecycl...

Updated 1 month ago by Matt

5-5 Concept & Requirements Definition

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 5. Concepts & Requirements Definition (...

HF Input to Preliminary Program Requirements Document. During CRD, the Preliminary FAA HFC will i...

Updated 1 month ago by Matt

6-1 Investment Analysis

Human Factors in the FAA Acquisition Ma... 6. Investment Analysis (4 pgs)

The Investment Analysis (IA) stage of the Acquisition Management System (AMS) process consists of...

Updated 1 month ago by Matt